Official nomination for the International Christian Film Festival (ICFF) best music video for “Hold Me Father”. This is such an honor to be nominated for this prestigious award.

Christian Film Festival (CFF)
Saturday, August 27th, 2022
Hold Me Father
Award for Best Music Video (Tammy Thompson & Lynnmarie Hinerman)
I believe in challenging myself to improve my skills and to create better images for print competition and for my clients. That as an artist I will never arrive at perfection, but will spend my life in pursuit of it. Print competition is an excellent way to achieve this. I compete at both the state and national level. Many long hard hours go into creating an image to enter at competition. Images are judged on these 12 elements
1. Impact
2. Technical excellence
3. Creativity
4. Style
5. Composition
6. Presentation
7. Color Balance
8. Center of Interest
9. Lighting
10. Subject Matter
11. Technique
12. Story Telling
Over the years I have won several best in shows on my images along with many first, second & third places. I feel very blessed to have been given such talent. Here are some of my award achievements.
In 2018 for my second year in a row, I was awarded, “Maryland Photographer of the Year for 2017” on Saturday February 3rd, 2018 at the Maryland Professional Photography Association (MDPPA) annual awards banquet held in Catonsville, Maryland. This was my third time receiving this award.
I was honored to have been awarded, “Maryland Photographer of the Year for 2016” on Saturday March 4th, 2017 at the Maryland Professional Photography Association (MDPPA) annual awards banquet held in Columbia, Maryland. This was my second time receiving this award. That night I also received “Artist Photographer of the Year” for 2016, as well as first runner up for “Illustrative Photographer of the Year”.
At the MDPPA annual Convention Print Competition, held on March 2nd, my image “Behind the Glass “received the Hartig Memorial award which is awarded to the most creative illustrative image, the Maryland Loan Collection award, and a Judge’s Choice award.
My images “Flower Weave” and “Old Boundaries” both received the Court of Honor award. Six out of nine of my images merited, receiving blue ribbons.
At the Professional Photographers of America (PPA) 2016
International Photographic Competition (IPC), I merited two images towards my
Artist Master degree, and one image towards my Photographic Masters degree.
I was honored to receive two award titles on Sunday February 28th, 2016 at the
Maryland Professional Photography Association(MDPPA) annual awards banquet held
in Columbia. That night I received “Illustrative Photographer of the Year
for 2015″ and I was also”1st runner up for Portrait Photographer of
the Year for 2015”.
At the Professional Photographers of America (PPA)2015 International
Photographic Competition (IPC), I merited three images towards my Artist Master
degree, and one image towards my Photographic Masters degree.
“Memories” In Electronic Imaging category scored a perfect score of
100 and was awarded Best in Show at the April 2015 MDPPA print competition. I
was so amazed when all the judges stood to shake my hand and congratulate me on
this image, what an honor. 100 perfect scores are rarely given out and in my
years of print competition have only witnessed this one other time.
My biggest accomplishment so far was being awarded “Maryland Photographer
of the Year for 2012” on Saturday March 3rd, 2013 at the Maryland
Professional Photography Association(MDPPA) annual awards banquet held in Baltimore.
That night I also received “Illustrative Photographer of the Year for
I was also “1st runner up for Portrait Photographer of the Year for
2012” & “1st runner up for Electronic Imaging Photographer of the
Year for 2012”. My Print “Wild Ambiance” in the Electronic
Imaging category won a blue merit ribbon along with the “Court of
Honor” award.
I was honored to receive two award titles from the MDPPA Annual Convention held
at the
Columbia Sheraton in February 2012. I was awarded “Illustrative Photographer of
the year for 2011” & “Electronic Imaging Photographer of the year for 2011”